Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

The comment-fiction challenge post-mortem

The links in this post are all now broken. I unpublished these books a long time ago, even though the series was completed, as I wasn’t happy with their quality. The domain name has since lapsed and is now owned by somebody else.

Original post follows

Almost a month ago I started the Readmill comment-fiction challenge. The idea was to add a secondary layer of back-stories to Knights and Necromancers 1 as comments in Readmill.

I explained the idea in more detail in my original blog post.

I uploaded the last comment-fiction earlier today.

The good news is that the entire thing was a lot of fun to do. The bad news is that I was probably the only one who enjoyed it. :-)

I held back the last entry for a couple of days to see if anybody noticed. Nobody did.

It’s not a total loss. Turning 22 000 words of comment-fictions into a cohesive story shouldn’t be too much work. It’s something I can post as a freebie on the Heartpunk at some point.

In completely unrelated news, I have tweaked the design of the online version of Knights and Necromancers 1 and added a couple of navigation features (keyboard navigation and swipes for going to the next and previous chapters).

You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky