Part four of this week’s epic bookmark dump.
The problem with freeware monetization is that there is no informed consent. It is inherently and unavoidably abusive to the least capable.
— InfoSec Taylor Swift (@SwiftOnSecurity) June 15, 2015
As science is working itself out, we reporters and our audiences seize on "promising findings." It's exciting to hear about a brand new idea that maybe — just maybe — could revolutionize medicine and stop some scourge people suffer through. We're often prodded along by overhyping scientists like Zamboni, who are under their own pressure to attract research funding and publications.
We don't wait for scientific consensus; we report a little too early, and we lead patients and policymakers down wasteful, harmful, or redundant paths that end in dashed hope and failed medicine.This tendency could be minimized if we could only remember that the overwhelming majority of studies in medicine fail.
This is why you shouldn’t believe that exciting new medical study by Julia Belluz (1254 words).
“I think depression has a similar role.”
Why? I can't see any basis for your belief other than "it just makes sense to me", which is the epistemology of bloodletting and witchburning.
Evolutionary just-so stories have been so thoroughly and repeatedly debunked that no one thinks they can be evidence for anything. They may be useful motivators for testable ideas, but that's all.
> I think depression has a similar role. by tjradcliffe (257 words).
Changing to agile is all good. But, when you have management obsessed with their own needs you just build the wrong thing really quickly.
— Will Roissetter (@Rossio) June 16, 2015
is there a term (other than "privilege") for hating the web more and more as a user but liking it more as a developer?
asking for a friend.— getify (@getify) June 17, 2015
didnt think there was going to be a trend i hated more than waiting for custom fonts all over the web. found it: auto-playing vids on scroll
— getify (@getify) June 17, 2015
I haven't published on @Medium in months, and now I can't figure out how to do anything, like add a header image, or format text. BLAH!
— Christina Wodtke (@cwodtke) June 17, 2015
Ok, I know I'm about to insult someone, but I can't hold back.
@Medium's UX has gone to hell. Bad affordances, no feedback.. dang.— Christina Wodtke (@cwodtke) June 17, 2015
"What's wrong with young people today is" - can't us oldsters come up with anything else to talk about? Don't we know we sound ridiculous?
— Simon St.Laurent (@simonstl) June 17, 2015
hey, you know, if you don't like it then make something better [than the thing backed by literally the entire technology industry]
— Gary Bernhardt (@garybernhardt) June 18, 2015
Interesting that no pundit ever mentions that Greece's creditors, unusually in these sort of cases, have not had to take a haircut.
— Alan Patrick (@freecloud) June 18, 2015
“For meme it’s such an important thing we all encourage (more women) in an industry that frankly is disastrous in its proportion…I think that’s unfortunate,” Wales told CNBC in an interview during London Technology Week at the launch of Tech.London, a website for start-ups in the U.K. capital.
Number of women in tech ‘disastrous’: Wikipedia founder by Arjun Kharpal (317 words).
Pierce has a point: if Twitter links start redirecting to the Twitter app automatically, users may miss the benefits of having tweets open in Safari. For example, Twitter doesn’t use share sheets, while Safari has them. A company’s interests aren’t always aligned with those of Apple and iOS users. Safari treats all web content equally with the same share and navigation features, but a link that skips Safari and opens in the app may, in some cases, lead to an inferior experience. “In a perfect world of well behaved apps, Universal Links sound like a good idea”, Pierce added, and his concerns are understandable in the early stages of iOS 9.
Inside iOS 9 Search: Apple’s Plan for More Connected Apps by Federico Viticci (6974 words).
I’ve also published some real-life data at Losing 80% of mobile users is normal. The point is, most interaction with a product happens in the first few visits. That’s where you can ask the user to setup for long-term retention and to present the user with a magic moment. Building a bunch of “missing” features is unlikely to target the leakiest part of the user experience, which is in the onboarding. If the new features are meant to target the core experience, it’s important that they really improve the majority workflows within the UI, otherwise people won’t use them enough to change their engagement levels.
This is the Product Death Cycle. Why it happens, and how to break out of it by Andrew Chen (963 words).
@csswg: "you can do it with preprocessors, we don't need to implement it in CSS" is exactly why CSS is being replaced w inline styles.
— Nicole Sullivan (@stubbornella) June 18, 2015
Twitter's timeline on iOS stutters while scrolling now. Probably due to inline videos. Whatever happened to 60fps or die?
— Mike Rundle (@flyosity) June 19, 2015