- "Burning out is not a growth hack. | by Joan Westenberg | Jan, 2024 | Medium"
- "The incredible shrinking podcast industry | Semafor". Podcasting was in a bubble, but it’s still one of the strongest new media format to appear in the digital era. A bubble-deflation caused by increased accuracy is only going to strengthen the form in the long run.
- "Kind of annoyed at React"
- "Exposed RSS – Chris Coyier"
- "Where have all the websites gone?“. “So here’s the bad news— we are the ones who vanished.”
- "Sharing links | hidde.blog". I need to rethink my link sharing this year as well.
- "Hypercritical: I Made This"
- "Insights: Mobile accessibility | Fable"
- "Curation is the last best hope of intelligent discourse. — Joan Westenberg"
- "Google confirms it just laid off around a thousand employees - The Verge". I’d like to remind you that lay-offs don’t work. The org is generally less functional, less reliable, and less profitable after a mass lay off. Lay-offs are also always a symptom of exec incompetence.
- "Just Say No to Artificial Intelligence In Your Creative Pursuits, Please, JFC, WTAF – Chuck Wendig: Terribleminds". “So don’t use it. Don’t play with it, don’t post it, don’t share it around. Reject the Art Barf Robot. You don’t need it. It’s not for you.”