Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

Where I write about Facebook’s Instant Articles

I’ve switched to blogging back on my old site (www.baldurbjarnason.com). The latest post there is Facebook and the media: united against the web.

A few media websites have made a deal with Facebook to present their articles within Facebook’s iOS app instead of on their own websites. Apparently, it’s all the web’s fault.

Although, it should be mentioned that Instant Articles are published only on Facebook’s iOS app and degrade gracefully into links to the media site’s original website elsewhere, so it isn’t nearly the wholesale assimilation of everything everywhere that people present it to be.

Commentators online report this news alternately as armageddon or the second coming.

Read more over on my blog…

You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky