Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

This week’s must-read post

Clare Reddington has written this here post (based on a talk she did) on some of the things she has learned from leading the Pervasive Media Studio and working at the Watershed.

I could have quoted almost every paragraph but this particular one describes my personal experience with the publishing industry, in a nutshell:

Apart from the ‘can you digital this for me’ requests. Which are many – and often hard to spot. When people ask us to digital things, they mean, can you take our well rounded and existing idea and sprinkle some digital fairydust on it please. They often also mean, I would like change, as long as change looks and feels a lot like what we have done before.

If you work in publishing you really owe it to yourself to read the post and take what she says on board.

You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky