Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

Bookmarks – Hateviews are us

We need more Old Internet Proverbs.

“Google Analytics doesn’t know it’s a hateview,” - Old Internet Proverb

— Donna Dickens (@MildlyAmused) July 29, 2015

It's cute how Twitter ruins pictures with JPEG compression as it auto-plays videos on my feed.

Do you Twitter people even talk to each other

— Securitay (@SwiftOnSecurity) July 30, 2015

I hope the DC movies remember Mad Max: Fury Road when writing for Barbara Gordon - you can address assault without showing it on screen.

— Katie Schenkel (@JustPlainTweets) July 30, 2015

Here's the thing: under capitalism people who are not rich need to make money. Sex work provides one option for doing so.

— Morgan M Page (@morganmpage) July 30, 2015

What ppl don't want to talk about is how sex work is often the preferable option people have from a limited list of options.

— Morgan M Page (@morganmpage) July 30, 2015

Here's the thing: trafficking exists. It exists primarily in agriculture, construction work, and domestic labour. Sex trafficking is rare.

— Morgan M Page (@morganmpage) July 30, 2015

Nearly all of your fruit and vegetables are produced through exploitative conditions that often include human trafficking.

— Morgan M Page (@morganmpage) July 30, 2015

But nobody is upset about that.

— Morgan M Page (@morganmpage) July 30, 2015

Racist patriarchy is afraid of sexwork because it is 1 of the only avenues in which racialized and feminized ppl can be economically mobile

— Morgan M Page (@morganmpage) July 30, 2015

Yes, it’s only with this latest version of iTunes that it all went to crap. Previous versions were just fine.


— Craig Grannell (@CraigGrannell) July 30, 2015

Brian Eno on walking away from your own successes pic.twitter.com/0iXc67fzUY

— michael_nielsen (@michael_nielsen) July 30, 2015

Brian Eno on walking away from successes

Rather web vs native, I like to consider the web as the most popular native app by a landslide - 70% of user minutes on Windows, 42% on iPad

— Jacob Rossi (@jacobrossi) July 30, 2015

There are no serious threats to Excel or Powerpoint. There are very serious threats to spreadsheets and presentations as models for work

— Benedict Evans (@BenedictEvans) July 30, 2015

If blocking ads is stealing content from content producers, then pushing ads is stealing data from my data plan.

— Justin McDowell (@revoltpuppy) July 30, 2015

Isn't it amazing how "entrepreneur" is now a category that includes both billionaires and their housecleaners?

— Mike Bulajewski (@mrteacup) July 31, 2015

Centralized security is broken: http://t.co/jA56EhCLBU

— Nick Szabo (@NickSzabo4) July 30, 2015

Commercial security is a matter of solving the practical problems of business relationships such as privacy, integrity, protecting property, or detecting breach of contract. A security hole is any weakness that increases the risk of violating these goals. In this real world view of security, a problem does not dissapear because a designer assumes it away. The invocation or assumption in a security protocol design of a “trusted third party” (TTP) or a “trusted computing base” (TCB) controlled by a third party constitutes the introduction of a security hole into that design. The security hole will then need to be plugged by other means.

If the risks and costs of TTP institutional alternatives were not accounted for in the protocol design, the resulting protocol will in most cases be too costly or risky to be practical.

If the protocol beats these odds and proves practical, it will only succeed after extensive effort has gone into plugging the TTP security hole(s). TTP assumptions cause most of the costs and risks in a security protocol, and plugging TTP security holes produces the most benefit and profit.

Trusted Third Parties Are Security Holes by Nick Szabo (4269 words).

In our model of the space of all curves, polygons typically lie at the opposite end of the spectrum from handwriting. This clear separation means our polygon detection is reliable enough that the engine can make a clear decision whether a stroke is a shape or not. As described above, if a stroke is recognized to be close enough to any of these regularized shapes, it is corrected towards that shape. If it appears to be polygonal, but the sides don’t seem to be one of our recognized classes, then the sides are simply straightened out between the corners. Even though recognition is unambiguous, the cleanup considers intent by looking at how neatly and carefully the shape was drawn. This way, the correction feels more like nudging a stroke into a shape and less like gesture-based shape creation.


Each approach revealed its strengths and weaknesses in terms of what it communicates to the user, allowing us to define and fine tune the personality of the tool. Should it be assertive or suggestive? Flexible or opinionated? Ideally just the right amount of each, matching the user’s intent.

Prototypes are also handy for user testing. Instead of handing our testers a Keynote presentation and asking them to “imagine if this was real,” we gave them actual working software, rendering the tests more accurate and valuable.

The Intention Behind Think Kit by Nameless Corporate PR Goon Unwilling to Take Credit (3365 words).

You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky