Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

Links and Photos (19 February 2024)

Software Dev



My sister sent me these three photos of her cat listening intently to the barks of the dog next door. The dog was being taken out for a walk, so a bit too close for comfort. (It’s an Icelandic Sheepdog. They are very bark-y.)

A black cat with a white spot looking at the photographer with a bit of a worried look.

A black cat with a white spot listening very intently. Ears alert.

A black cat with a white spot looking worried as she hears a loud dog walk past the apartment.

Seeing more ravens in the area lately.

A raven hanging out on my next-door neighbour’s roof, regarding me with suspicion

Took these two photos just for fun.

A colour photo of the rusty wheel that controls the valve on this pipe, which channels geothermally heated water from the hot springs.

We have a tiny park here in Hveragerði. This is the view from its centre. You can see trees, the mountains in the distance, and a hint of a column of steam rising from a hit spring.

This is one of the houses that the cat rescue, Villikettir Suðurlands, uses to shelter cats until they find homes. You can see a couple of cats lounging in the window and enjoying being inside.

(This is the rescue where my sister got her cat Kolka.)

A black and white photo of a small and relatively old house covered in corrugated iron as was the style at the time.

There are few things more relaxing than listening to a waterfall, even a small one like this one in Varmá. I should do this more often.

A black and white photo of a small waterfall in the river Varmá. Jutting out from one side of the picture is the ruined wall that’s all that’s left of the old wool factory

Another view of the waterfall in Varmá. The wall is straight down the centre of the image

The waterfall again. You can see the outline of the small factory more clearly from the ruined walls.

Some tourists close to the river doing something touristy, like appreciating the environment

Friðmundur’s cat is on Þorvaldur’s tractor again.

A grey and white cat is loafing on the roof of a tractor. The tractor has a handpainted license plate taped to its rear window.

You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky