I’m firmly of the Roy Peter Clark/Twyla Tharp “box” method of creativity.
The short version of the “method” is you start to collect “stuff” in a box – links, notes, ideas, observations – that fit a vague and poorly defined idea. Over-categorising at this stage is lethal. This sounds dumb but it serves as a form of discovering – over time – unconscious themes in your reading and thinking.
Roy Peter Clark, of “Writing Tools” fame, used boxes of index cards. Anne Lamott, who wrote “Bird by Bird”, used more organic stacks of index cards scattered around her home office. Twyla Tharp used an actual box of random objects. I tend to use folders of text files along with physical notebooks.
Most people who use this method have more than one “box” going at a time.
The common theme is that, at an unpredictable point, one of those boxes suddenly “makes sense” and you discover the thread – the core idea that runs through it.
All of my books came about this way – how I came to their core ideas:
- Out of the Software Crisis: most software failures are down to management disregard of development as a holistic system that includes the people – both staff and customers.
- The Intelligence Illusion: generative models are a crude facsimile of intelligence and because of that their functionality is severely compromised and pose too many systemic risks to be used safely by businesses or institutions.
- Yellow: software development can be substantially improved by compassion and an understanding of a few relatively straightforward principles.
Even though I was absolutely certain that I was done with all of this book writing business – it’s probably the least effective way of paying the bills available to somebody with software development skills – I’m finding that my notes are congealing again and a crisp red thread is running through them, showing how the many ideas in the box are just multiple reflections of one.
I don’t know if it’ll actually cohere any further. A thread and an idea being there doesn’t mean pulling on it will lead to a book.
What it definitely leads to is more reading. Once you have a theme, more reading lights up the landscape and helps you see more clearly.
So, probably not coincidentally, this week’s collection of links has a good number of excellent reads, some of which I’ve tried to call out specifically below.
An in depth deep dive into the deep learning dilemma
So many huge, conspicuous, world-changing events have to happen before any of those sci-fi situations are even close to plausible
Go read this
I think this is a fantasy. It’s concocted by people rich enough to already enjoy human servants, assuming—probably correctly—that there are people out there of lesser means who want the same kind of access.
No, really. Go read this.
On how the AI Bubble has revealed the software industry to be a garbage fire
Fire, Ready, Aim. The race to shoehorn half-baked AI…
Meanwhile, the customers whose loyalty businesses have worked so diligently for years to win have watched in dismay as the products and services they’ve come to rely on have been, practically overnight, colonized by an infestation of poorly considered, hastily implemented AI-fueled “features” that, like a break-out of acne, make almost any interaction a nightmarish exercise in humiliation and futility.
On how “AI” isn’t meant for customers or people in general
Creative Good: AI isn’t meant for us
How did we enter into an economy drenched in AI investments with (so far) little or no appreciable payoff for us, the citizens and students and customers? Because the AIs weren’t developed for us. They were never meant for us. They’re instead meant for the owners of the corporations: promising to cut costs, or employee count, or speed up operations, or otherwise juice the quarterly metrics so that “number go up” just a bit more – with no regard for how it affects the customer experience, the worker experience, the career prospects of creators and writers and musicians who have been raising the alarm about these technologies for years.
The politics of corporate loyalty
TBM 307: The “P” Word, Legitimacy, and Challenging Our Default Models and Frames
In countless conversations with friends in the industry, there is a pervading sense of decreasing company loyalty and increased questioning of the core tenets of working in tech.
A big contributor here is layoffs.
Frontend dev is a mess (Alex Russell’s “Reckoning” series)
Reckoning: Part 2 — Object Lesson - Infrequently Noted
Here I am obsessing about every K of JS while the industry standard for sites with potentially millions of users is megabytes of JS.
Reckoning: Part 3 — Caprock - Infrequently Noted
This is an industry-wide scandal. Promoters of these technologies have not levelled with their customers. Instead, they continue to flog each new iteration as “the future” despite the widespread failure of these models outside sophisticated organisations.
In practice, the complex interplay of bundlers, client-side routing mechanisms, GraphQL API endpoints, and the need to rebuild monitoring and logging infrastructure creates wholly unowned areas of endemic complexity. This complexity is experienced as a shock to the operational side of the house.
Reckoning: Part 4 — The Way Out - Infrequently Noted
Unacceptable performance is the consequence of a chain of failures to put the user first. Breaking the chain usually requires just one insistent advocate. Disasters like BenefitsCal are not inevitable.
Frontend’s culture has more to answer for than lost profits; we consistently fail users and the companies that pay us to serve them because we’ve let unscrupulous bastards sell snake oil without consequence.
But the crisis is incontrovertable in the data. If the web had grown at the same pace as mobile computing, mobile web browsing would be more than a 1/3 larger than it is today. Many things are holding the web back — Apple springs to mind — but pervasive JavaScript-based performance disasters are doing their fair share.
I respect Alex fighting the good fight here, and I hope his efforts lead to a culture change in web dev, but…
The simplest explanation for the status quo is that management in the software industry is largely incompetent and that executives largely don’t understand any strategy that isn’t “manipulate the stock market or investors”. In this version of history, the web platform had the misfortune of not being as mature as “native” stacks once the finance engineers and “I’m in tech to get rich” took over and industry brokenness set in, which I’d peg at as happening around 2008, which is why it feels disproportionally broken compared to other stacks.
I hope I’m wrong, though, because it’d be nice to have a healthier web dev industry.
The Links
- “Blog Posts vs. Social Posts - Jim Nielsen’s Blog”. “Whereas I frequently have blog posts from years ago that garner bursts of traffic because someone, somewhere (re)discovered it, shared it, linked to it, and drove attention to it.” Many of my older posts pop back up to the top of my Plausible analytics list because they got rediscovered by somebody.
- “A JUST TRANSITION MEANS RESISTING AI – Scottish Left Review”. “AI isn’t simply a problematic technology but an apparatus that is shaped by the injustices of our existing social relations and which, in turn, reshapes and intensifies them.”
- “Former Microsoft security architect showcases 15 different ways to break Copilot | Windows Central”. LLM chatbot are notoriously hard to secure but MS’s Copilot looks like a shit show completely in its own league. (Also, MS has plenty of excellent security people. They just aren’t allowed to affect any decisions made.)
- “What we sacrifice for automation”. “If we don’t do it the way the machine is designed to process it, we yield our agency, over and over again to do it in a way that it can collect the data to get us the item we want, the service we need, or the reply we hope for. Humans yield. Machines do not yield back.” Old but still good.
- “A common bug in a bunch of feed readers”. This caching bug is also common in web crawlers. A reminder that RSS is, like HTML, a format not a protocol. The protocol is HTTP and HTTP skills seem quite underappreciated these days.
- “blakewatson.com - Neglecting the scrollbar: a costly trend in UI design”. IMO, what’s happened to the scrollbar over the years is prima facie evidence that the software industry is deeply unserious about UX and in fact makes all of it money through oligopoly market manipulation.
- “Process Zero: The Anti-Intelligent Camera”. “Introducing a process that uses zero AI and zero computational photography to produce beautiful, film-like natural photos. Meet Halide 2.15, with Process Zero.” LOVE this idea. Have been testing this out and plan on writing about it once I have a better feel for what sort of photos come out of it.
- “Study finds 94% of business spreadsheets have critical errors”
- “The Woman Who Could Smell Parkinson’s - The New York Times”. This is amazing
- “The Evidence That Underwear Has Been Around For 40,000 Years » TwistedSifter”
- “TBM 303: The Current Tech Puzzle (With Diverse Takes)”. My position for quite a few years has been that most modern managers and executives are outright incompetent at their actual jobs and their only skills lie in finance games. Software, additionally, coasts on either oligopoly rents or enormous margins (‘cuz non-rival and non-exclusive). So, I’m not surprised the industry has mismanaged itself into a crisis with layoffs, overcomplicated processes, and pervasive uncertainty.
- This here post is exceedingly depressing. ‘Walking up to the triage nurse the woman says “He needs antibiotics!” The nurse asks for his CareCard and starts saying something about him seeing a doctor. The woman interjects: “He doesn’t need a doctor, he needs antibiotics! Now! See here? ChatGPT says he needs antibiotics!"’